Background: It is well recognized by now that human micro biome has far reaching influences on our healthy and diseases.One venue to investigate the influences can be through the study of the mechanisms of microbial community assembly and diversity
maintenance. In this article, we apply a hybrid model of neutral-niche dynamics by Ofiteru et al. to reanalyze the dataset from
David et al.’s study on the effects of life style to the micro biome of two individuals, aiming to explore the shift of the neutral-niche
dynamics in the human micro biota.
Results: We obtained two major findings. First, in gut, Faecali bacterium prausnitzii, an anti-inflammatory bacterium, exhibited
high neutral dynamics, and few other species showed similar level of neutral dynamics. In contrast, in the oral micro biome, more
species demonstrated high neutral dynamics. Second, we detected some bacterial species whose neutral-niche dynamics are
strongly associated with the occurrences of disturbances such as change of diets and infection.
Conclusions: We postulate that the difference between gut and oral micro biota could be due to the open gateway nature of oral
habitat, which makes it difficult for niche-selected species to maintain. The balance shift in the neutral-niche dynamics may play an
important role in dysbiosis and possess broad health implication.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/shift-of-the-neutral-niche-dynamics-in-the-human-microbiome-under-disturbances-associated.ID.000125.php
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