How the single virus is forceful and shakes the world is eyewitness during this contemporary COVID 19 pandemic time. People primarily think of viruses such as HIV, Ebola, Zika, Influenza, Tobacco mosaic virus or whatever new outbreak like SARS, Corona are all viruses worst and non-beneficial. However, not all viruses are detrimental and influential to human, animal and plant health. In fact, some viruses have beneficial properties for their hosts in a symbiotic relationship and scientific research in many disciplines. Understanding the microbial world is very critical and crucial thing that they are driving force and governing the physical world and biosphere at all. The virus and other microbial life those of bacteria, fungi, prion, viroid, virion are requiring great attention and research to enhance their utilization from majority of useful aspects of microbial genetic resource. The secret behind of every industry, agriculture, health and environment are the application of microbes and their products are too high for human being and environment. Without microbes all life would be cease on earth. However, some microbes are very dangerous like Corona virus, HIV, Ebola, Mycobacterium and others that destroy human life, but majority of microorganisms are too useful to promote development. Through building and strengthening microbial culture collection centers and through strong conservation strategy, it is possible to exploit more from the unseen microbial genetic resource. This paper will review the harmful and use full aspect of virus in respect with health, environment, agriculture and biotechnological application during this Covid19 pandemic time to raise awareness about virus at all.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/corona-and-other-virus-their-useful-and-harmful-aspects.ID.000129.php
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