This paper reports on the growth and herbage yield of Andropogon gayanusand Pennisetum pedicellatumin the Sokoto Semi-arid zone of Nigeria, with a view to identifying most productive among the species for forage feed production in the study area. Field experiment was conducted during the 2010 rainy season at the Dabagi teaching and research farm of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Parameters evaluated include plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, number of tillers per plant and herbage dry matter yield at 10 WAS. The data generated was analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Fisher’s Least Significance Difference (LSDt<0.05) test was used for mean separation. Results showed that, P. pedicellatumproduced significantly (P<0.05) taller plants (110.01cm versus 77.25cm), higher (P<0.05) number of leaves per plant (6.39 versus 4.00) and higher (P<0.05) herbage dry matter yield (3.518 t DM ha-1 versus 2.037 t DM ha-1) compared to the A. gayanus. A. gayanusrecorded longer (P<0.05) leaves (46.83cm versus 27.90cm) and higher (P<0.05) number of tillers per plant (70.61 versus 28.67). Leaf width for the two grass species were statistically (P>0.05) similar (1.75cm versus 1.42cm) at 10 WAS. Merit analysis showed that P. pedicellatumrecorded a higher score of 9 points and was ranked 1st while A. gayanusscored 8 points and was ranked 2nd. It may be concluded that both the P. pedicellatumand A. gayanusshowed potentials for high productivity, thus; both species are recommended for production in the study area.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/growth-and-herbage-yield-of-gamba-andropogon-gayanus-kunth-and-kyasuwa.ID.000127.php
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